Largest selection of amateur radios

Amateur radio still enjoys great popularity as a hobby. Contrary to many pessimistic opinions, younger generations are discovering amateur radio again as an ideal hobby for the practical application of technical interest in connection with computers and radio technology. Many technical innovations such as digital radio or SDR technology (Software Defined Radio) play an important role, because these technologies offer the opportunity to combine the worlds of computer and radio technology. This is much easier for a generation that grew up with PC and game consoles than before. Modern desktop- and mobile radios are perfect for these cases, also the most handheld transceivers have a lot of features for use in future. To serve this very diverse market with radios and all accessories is WiMo's task. You want to learn more about the fascination of amateur radio? Then our amateur radio guide for newcomers and those returning to amateur radio is just the thing for you! You will find this and many other interesting facts here on our website about amateur radio.

Items 21-30 of 135

  1. Yaesu FTM-500DE
    Yaesu FTM-500DE

    FM/C4FM VHF/UHF mobile transceiver with large touch-display, removable front panel, 2 independant receivers, GPS/APRS and wideband receiver

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €503.36
    SKU FTM-500DE
  2. KiwiSDR Receiver
    KiwiSDR Receiver

    Compact HF SDR-receiver assembly kit with LAN interface, no computer drivers required! Operation via web-browser.

    No longer available

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €399.16
    In stock
  3. Icom IC-905
    Icom IC-905

    Transceiver for 2m, 70cm, 23cm, 13cm, 6 cm and (optional) 3cm band. Controller and separate outdoor HF unit, GPSDO built-in.

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €3,360.50
    SKU IC-905
  4. LU8MIL recommended Remote Station - Bundle with FT-DX10
    LU8MIL recommended Remote Station - Bundle with FT-DX10

    Product recommendation from LU8MIL for a remote station based on the FT-DX10 from Yaesu, a balun from InnovAntennas and many other products.

    Please select a product

    Starting at €69.00

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €57.98

    SKU LU8MIL-recommendation
  5. Yaesu FT-DX10 HF Transceiver
    Yaesu FT-DX10 HF Transceiver

    Compact HF/50MHz Transceiver with Yaesu Hybrid SDR technology, 100W transmit power, large Touch LCD screen

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    As low as: €1,479.00
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €1,242.86
  6. Yaesu FTM-400XDE
    Yaesu FTM-400XDE

    FM/C4FM VHF/UHF mobile transceiver with large touch-display, removable front panel, 2 independant receivers, GPS/APRS and wideband receiver

    No longer available

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €352.10
    In stock
    SKU FTM-400XDE
  7. Yaesu FTM-300DE
    Yaesu FTM-300DE

    FM/C4FM VHF/UHF mobile transceiver with GPS, Bluetooth, 2 independant receivers, color display and automatic mode selection. The removable front panel allows flexible usage

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €377.31
    SKU FTM-300DE
  8. Yaesu FT-3DE
    Yaesu FT-3DE

    VHF/UHF handheld FM/C4FM transceiver with twin-RX, large touch-display, Bluetooth, automatic mode selection, GPS and wideband RX.

    No longer available

    As low as: €429.00
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €360.50
    In stock
  9. Great Scott Gadgets HackRF One SDR TRx
    Great Scott Gadgets HackRF One SDR TRx

    Experimental, compact SDR-transceiver with extreme band coverage, ideal for SDR-studies. Cannot be used as "communication device"

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €270.50
  10. Airspy R2 SDR Rx
    Airspy R2 SDR Rx

    Famous, compact wideband-receiver with excellent reception qualities.

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €194.96

Items 21-30 of 135



Which frequencies am I allowed to use as an amateur radio operator?
Depending on the class of the amateur radio license, different frequency ranges are available. In the VHF/UHF range, for example, frequencies between 144 and 146 MHz and 430 and 440 MHz are allocated for use by amateur radio operators.
Do I need permission to operate amateur radio equipment?
Yes, to operate amateur radio, you need a license which can be obtained by passing an examination. This exam consists of theoretical and practical parts and assesses the knowledge and skills of the prospective amateur radio operator.
What accessories do I need for operating my amateur radio equipment?
In addition to the amateur radio equipment, you need an antenna and a power supply. Depending on the location and operational requirements, additional accessories such as masts, cables, and filters may also be necessary.