Largest selection of amateur radios

Amateur radio still enjoys great popularity as a hobby. Contrary to many pessimistic opinions, younger generations are discovering amateur radio again as an ideal hobby for the practical application of technical interest in connection with computers and radio technology. Many technical innovations such as digital radio or SDR technology (Software Defined Radio) play an important role, because these technologies offer the opportunity to combine the worlds of computer and radio technology. This is much easier for a generation that grew up with PC and game consoles than before. Modern desktop- and mobile radios are perfect for these cases, also the most handheld transceivers have a lot of features for use in future. To serve this very diverse market with radios and all accessories is WiMo's task. You want to learn more about the fascination of amateur radio? Then our amateur radio guide for newcomers and those returning to amateur radio is just the thing for you! You will find this and many other interesting facts here on our website about amateur radio.

Items 11-20 of 135

  1. Icom IC-7610 HF/50MHz All Mode Transceiver
    Icom IC-7610 HF/50MHz All Mode Transceiver

    HF SDR-transceiver with waterfall-diagram, 2 independant receivers, high-res large colour touchs-screen and excellent HF-characteristics, very easy to operate. Compact sized body, therefor also ideal for holidays.

    Available in 20 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €2,856.30
    SKU IC-7610
  2. Anytone AT-D878UV II Plus (V2, BT, 3100 mAh)
    Anytone AT-D878UV II Plus (V2, BT, 3100 mAh)

    Full-featured DMR/analogue handheld VHF/UHF transceiver with GPS, Bluetooth, color display and high capacity battery and Bluetooth. With real VFO-mode

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €184.03
    SKU AT-D878UV2B3
  3. Yaesu FT-DX101D
    Yaesu Cashback
    Yaesu FT-DX101D

    High-end HF-transceiver with innovative receiver concept and two independant receivers. The large colour touch-display does also show spectrum and waterfall diagrams.

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €2,856.30
    SKU FT-DX101D
  4. PicoAPRS Transceiver
    PicoAPRS Transceiver

    The world's smallest APRS transceiver with TNC and a wide range of applications. Matchbox size, built-in GPS receiver. And now even better: Can also be used as an FM VHF handheld radio: PTT + loudspeaker + microphone - everything inside!

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €293.28
  5. Yaesu FT-818ND
    Yaesu FT-818ND

    Very compact HF/VHF/UHF portable QRP-transceiver with PSK/9k6 packet port. Incl. Rechargeable batteries.

    No longer available

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €587.39
    In stock
    SKU FT-818
  6. Yaesu FT-5DE handheld radio dual band C4FM
    Yaesu FT-5DE handheld radio dual band C4FM

    Dual band handheld radio FT-5DE 5W for 2 m and 70 cm, C4FM, FM, Rx 0.5-999 MHz, Bluetooth, GPS (APRS), IPX7.

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €377.31
    SKU FT-5DE
  7. Icom ID-52E
    Icom ID-52E

    ID-52E dual band handheld radio with D-Star, max. 5W power, color display, Bluetooth, GPS antenna, USB charging port, IPX7 protection

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €503.36
    SKU ID-52E
  8. Flex Radio 6600
    Flex Radio 6600

    High-end stationary SDR HF-transceiver (without control panel), automatic antenna tuner, 2 independant receivers. Operation via Computer or IOS device.

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €4,298.32
    SKU FR-6600
  9. Kenwood TS-890S
    Kenwood TS-890S

    Innovative high-end HF/6m/4mstationary transceiver with high-speed tuner, RTTY-decoder, DSP, big color-screen. Can be remote-controlled via LAN.

    In stock, shipped in 1 to 2 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €4,113.45
    SKU TS-890S
  10. FlexRadio 6400 ATU
    FlexRadio 6400 ATU

    High-end stationary SDR HF-transceiver (without control panel), built-in automatic antenna tuner, 2 independant receivers. Operation via Computer or IOS device.

    Available from 16.01.2024

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €2,621.85
    SKU FR-6400-ATU

Items 11-20 of 135



Which frequencies am I allowed to use as an amateur radio operator?
Depending on the class of the amateur radio license, different frequency ranges are available. In the VHF/UHF range, for example, frequencies between 144 and 146 MHz and 430 and 440 MHz are allocated for use by amateur radio operators.
Do I need permission to operate amateur radio equipment?
Yes, to operate amateur radio, you need a license which can be obtained by passing an examination. This exam consists of theoretical and practical parts and assesses the knowledge and skills of the prospective amateur radio operator.
What accessories do I need for operating my amateur radio equipment?
In addition to the amateur radio equipment, you need an antenna and a power supply. Depending on the location and operational requirements, additional accessories such as masts, cables, and filters may also be necessary.