
Amateur radio offers almost endless opportunities for activities, but two of the features stand out. One is the interest in radio technology, equipment and antennas. On the other hand, the experience of commonality, of pursuing an interest together with like-minded people. And what field combines these two characteristics better than sporting competition in a team?

Exactly for that very reason - fun with technology and the desire for adventure together - several friends in the Czech Republic got together more than 10 years ago and set out to build a large and competitive contest station - OL7M.

After finding the site near Hradec Kràlové (JO80CF, North Bohemia), the small group started building masts, antennas and a building for the station. The photos on the website qrz.com/db/ol7m give a good overview.

And as it is always the case - if you have high goals you need equipment, unfortunately, the market does not always offer exactly what you need. So you build it yourself. Thats how the company qro.cz (aka RemoteQTH.com) was born.

Jan, OK2ZAW, the driving force behind qro.cz is a big fan of open-source projects, both for software and hardware. And so, over the years, many interesting products were created, specifically adapted to the needs of a large contest station, but also well usable in any other shack. In the beginning, the products were mainly available as kits, but little by little, ready-to-use devices were offered, touching almost all areas of the amateur radio station. WiMo took over the distribution of these products, and we are presenting to you here some of the most important product areas. Step by step we will offer the complete product range of this innovative manufacturer.

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A typical feature of a large contest station are the many antennas, often several Yagis for the same band. In order to be able to connect such antennas together sensibly and according to need, one needs special switches, a so-called "Stackmatch". With this switch you can combine antennas, distribute the signal to several antennas and much more. Qro.cz produces different stackmatches for interconnection of two or three antennas.

To the product

QRO Stackmatch
QRO Beverage


Listen, listen, listen - listening well is the secret of successful DXers and contesters. And to be able to listen you need good receiving antennas. Qro.cz offers various beverage antennas, i.e. very long wire antennas with directivity. These antennas can be installed above ground or lying on the ground, furthermore there is a bi-directional antenna version.

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K9AY Antenne

Another antenna for listening purposes is the K9AY Loop. This design is also known as "EWE" or "Pennant" antenna. In the system realized by qro.cz, four loops are connected together and form a switchable directional antenna in four directions in a relatively small space and with only one mast. By the additional integration of several band filters one has so a very efficient and quiet receiving antenna for 160, 80 and 40m.

Coming Soon

QRO Vorverstärker style=

Receiving preamplifier and accessories

Many of the receive antennas can be built with good and low noise preamplifiers. Here qro.cz offers several different systems, both as a module (assembled board) for integration into own devices and as a ready-made device in a weatherproof housing. The product range is completed by components such as PTT distributors, remote power crossovers and many other useful devices for the amateur radio shack.

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