On air on vacation


On air on Vacation

Corona has controlled us for nearly two years now and it was very hard for all of us in Lockdown. During this time, many have realized again how nice it is to have space and how important it is to get out more.Amateur radio is a hobby that you can do very well within your own four walls. But for many scenarios you need space, or free sky above your head. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to have either...  So you have to do what many radio amateurs are already good at anyway. Crafting and finding creative solutions.

Helmut Moller is one of them. Radio, exactly wherever you are. Not loading everything into a car and then having to set it up a station at a suitable location. Always have the station with you and search for the right frequency in the fresh air of nature. What better way to do that than with a proper station to take along? If one is also sporty, the combination is perfect....

The radio station on the bike trailer!


For this he used two sliding masts with 4m and 7m length as well as the SOTA-4 element 2m/70cm and 13 element YAGI for the 70cm band. On his small trailer there are also 2 x 12V - batteries with 20 u. 60 Ah total 80Ah, which are stored safely by the 100W solar panel (10 m charging cable). And the best is that the solar panels charge while driving! For the KW range, the ALPHA -Military 2.0 is used on a tripod. The radios used are an IC-9700 and IC-7300.

Mobile stations bring so many advantages. In addition to the fun of setting up, there is the experience gained from crafting. Everybody has the possibility to practice their hobby from everywhere and at any time. If the conditions at one place are too bad, you can easily and quickly go to the next place. And you're also more environmentally friendly, as long as you use your small mobile station with a bicycle.

Helmut wanted that this blog article serves as a small push for OM which do not have a good antenna location like with his QTH, to also build their own station. By the way a small report about this radio trailer was published in CQ-DL 6-2021! If you want to know more about the topic, then have a look at the report!

At WiMo you will find exactly what you need for a Mobile Station. Our website is available 24/7 for you and hopefully this article has encouraged you to get a little creative yourself.
Many thanks to Helmut for his little inspiration. A little thank you will be on its way to him soon.

If you have an exciting story from your vacation that you want to share with the rest of the community, ALWAYS send it to us.
We look forward to receiving your submissions at [email protected].
P.S.: For every published story there is a 50€ voucher.