Update from the WRTC - Congratulations to Team Africa 3 for their successful participation.

WRTC2022, which took place on 8 and 9 July 2023 in Castel San Pietro near Bologna, is now history. At the World Team Championship for Contesters, which takes place every four years, 58 two-person teams from all continents met in Italy to test their mettle. Team Africa 3, consisting of WRTC newcomers Uli ZR2A/DM5EE and Holger DL9EE, achieved a great result under the callsign I42M with 6th place out of 58 participating top teams.

The two got off to a super start and were even in the lead for a few hours, but were then gradually caught up by more experienced teams. Nevertheless, they exceeded their wildest expectations of a possible outcome of the competition with sixth place.

Support for their participation came from wimo in the form of a spare transceiver FT-DX101D, which fortunately was not needed in the contest. Furthermore, wimo helped the team by quickly sending them two Heil HC74 capsules for penetrating SSB modulation shortly before they left for Italy.

Team AF3 thanks wimo for the support at this unique event!

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